past acting projects

Pictured: Nick Perron dressed in eleborate costume performing in "The Birds." Behind him, two actors wearing masks.

past projects

Theatre Gallery

X - Flat earth theatre

By: Alistair McDowall | Directed: Lindsay Eagle | Photography: Jake Scaltreto

Nomad Americana - Fresh Ink theatre

By: Kira Rockwell | Directed: Damon Krometis | Photography: Paul Fox

A Midsummer's night dream - Shakespeare now

Directed: Dev Luthra

women beware women - Villian's Theatre

By: Thomas Middleton | Directed: Keelin Jack | Photography: Zach Faye

Seminar - Kick at the Dark

By: Theresa Rebeck | Directed: Andrew Chandler | Photography: MJ Photographics

Our Country's good - Daltheatre

By: Timberlake Wertenbaker | Directed: Rob McClure | Photography: Nick Pearce

the birds - Daltheatre

By: Aristophanes | Directed: Jure Gantar | Photography: Nick Pearce

Film work


PAL  | Brett Bailey

Late shift  | Liam Sivertsen


directed by: Pierre St-jacques

36 steps on a curved road